A review by sarah_dietrich
The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov


I liked this, but I liked it more once I understood the broader historical context:
- Ukraine was part of Russia during WWI
- The Ukrainian War of Independence raged back and forth from 1917-1921
- Ukraine became part of the USSR when it was formed in 1922
- The White Guard is set in The City (Kiev), from December 1918 to February 1919
- Our protagonists are a middle class family (not working class) who had been happy with life under the Russian Tsar

I read this on & off over a couple of weeks, reading other things in between. I would have enjoyed it more, and had an easier time keeping track of the plot, if I'd read it in one go. When I reread this I'll start by reading the first 3 pages of the introduction (but not the last 2 pages, these contain plot spoilers).