A review by aingenito
Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark T. Sullivan


The book was a bit of a struggle to read due to the sheer implausibility of the events that Pino Lella was coincidentally always involved in. If this were pure fiction you would think that the author was simply going overboard with his storytelling. The fact that it is presented as based on a true story led me to question whether any of this is actually true. I found myself audibly laughing at the unlikelihood of what was transpiring. To top it off the author continues to spin these ridiculous coincidences even in his epilogue (Pino doesn’t get on Pan Am Flight 103 took the prize). In the end they should have the “based on a true story” removed and add this book to the fantasy section.

The last time I saw a character stumble into so many significant events on accident was Forrest Gump. The likelihood of all those events happening to one person is on par with this tall tale.