A review by ilman002
When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamín Labatut


What an unusual book! This novel reads like a collection of vignettes about different scientific figures of 20th century while mixing fiction with non-fiction. It sounds weird but it works well. We are presented with the century's greatest scientific discoveries and the madness behind them. We delve deep into the minds of the scientists and their idiosyncrasies. The theme of obsession is common among them. The narrative flows in a good and satisfactory way and Labatut accomplishes writing a novel about science which feels like a page-turner.

I would recommend this book to the fans of biographical fiction and literary fiction. The tone is thought-provoking and it will leave you pondering about the lives of these scientific figures. You will learn about physicists, chemists, mathematicians and scientists. The book will make you think about the impact of these scientific discoveries and the ways we look at the modern world. 5 stars.