A review by karimorton33
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Sheryl WuDunn, Nicholas D. Kristof


A heartbreaking look at the humans rights issues that affect women worldwide. I almost can't believe the horrible atrocities that are committed against women, because it's so brutal and incomprehensible. I enjoyed learning about each individual woman's story and seeing the power and strength they have. I have to admit that I am usually not swayed by others' reviews of something, but after reading some of the 1 star reviews of this book, I do agree with those that mentioned the tone of the writing could have been better. It did come from a very North American centric view of things, however I still liked the book for the fact that it made me more aware of things happening around the world. I would have enjoyed more in-depth analysis and less of a male-centric writing style.