A review by zenithharpink
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens


4.5 stars, Dickens is the BEST! This was not my favorite Dickens read (that honor belongs to Bleak House or David Copperfield), but this is certainly top 5.

Dickens has a truly stellar ability to map out his characters and interweave them in amazingly complex ways, as a reader you always know that if a character speaks, they'll factor into the narrative somehow. Our Mutual Friend was a little more full of villains than usual, but Dickens doled out the poetic justice just as I knew he would-comedy and all.

There were even moments when the tension of the character development was getting to me and I felt as though I HAD to look up what happened, or I would scream! As much as I enjoyed the read, getting through 800 pages can be a bit daunting when you're looking to find out what happened to a beloved (or loathed) character.

I found the ending to be slightly reminiscent of Oliver Twist or Great Expectations, but not entirely in a good way. Characters were (conveniently) doing more in the background to effect characters and the ending that I found to be little cheap on Dickens' part. I understand why he did it, but I feel as though he could have done better.

I DEFINITELY recommend this book to everybody who enjoys reading, Dickens is OG and this is on par with some of his best! Yes it's long, but it takes time to develop characters and allow Dickens to weave his masterful web-it's worth the time, I promise!