A review by vikit
Alien Research by Gini Koch


Other reviews from me, here:FantasyRaiders

Finally it happened, after hoping and waiting for it over the last 4 books Kitty is back on the front line of things. This is the book that has humor, twists and action in a way that the political parts of things take the back seat. I still couldn’t give it a perfect score but for other reasons. Also this review contains minor spoilers, so be aware.

In this installment of the series there is a lot of new information that comes to light; one of these lifts the story onto a whole new level of seriousness. I’m not exactly happy with this particular event because it’s sad but makes the story more believable and ‘realistic’ as much as a book about aliens can be realistic. Because let’s be honest this I the first real loss on the side of the good guys and that’s not really possible if you consider the numerous dangerous missions they encounter during the previous 7 book. That among the gun fights, the explosions and battles nobody gets seriously injured. But for one of these losses I was seriously pissed because the character involved in it didn’t live out his/her potential. On the other hand the second one was the highlight of my reading experience. Good riddance. This particular character just grated on my nerves so much and even in the previous book, too. She is just unsympathetic, stupid and jealous, greedy even and deserved what she got. But somehow the other characters seen her ‘sacrifice’ in an entirely different light. Yeah, they are just biased.

I liked a lot of new development regarding this book and even the bad guy’s structure. Yes they have kind of a messed up mentality, but they are interesting and provide a lot of surprise for the plotlines. And once again everybody wants the children, just for variety sake. I don’t know why don’t Kitty and the team assumes this automatically but whatever. What irked me a bit was how the past enemies just review and come back, why they can’t just stay dead and invent some new ones. And we are still not closer to solve the puzzle of the master mind behind these attacks.

All in all this is a really important book regarding the series. I enjoyed it quite a bit and the author writing is still really good with her tendency to spice up action scenes with ridiculous humor. Can’t wait for the next one and hope the balance between action and politics stays and keeps this level.