A review by myfictionaloasis
The Art of Traveling Strangers by Zoe Disigny


While this was a pretty interesting read, I'm not sure I was the target audience. It wasn't bad, I just struggled to connect with the characters. I'm sure people in the target audience would enjoy this far more than I did, but even so, I still enjoyed it!

One of my favorite things about this book was the format. The book is told in alternating chapters of Claire's past and the trip she's on. I've always loved books with chapters that alternate between the past and present. I also loved the art aspect; the author is an art historian, so everything was interesting. I did get a bit confused as I don't really know much about it, but it was still fun to read.

I think my main problem was that Claire was just unlikable to me. I can't stand affairs, even in books, so I just didn't like her much after that. Maybe I could've liked her more if I was closer to her age, I'm not sure. I also personally didn't like the use of the f slur; I know it was acceptable in the 80s, but I just really don't like seeing it in the books I read regardless.

Thank you iRead Book Tours for the gifted copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!