A review by lorathelibrarian
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan


This is what a good zombie book looks like. There is an epic journey filled with zombies (Mudo, the Unconsecrated...whatever you like to call them really) and teenagers.

This is the "companion" novel to The Forest of Hands and Teeth. It follows Mary's (main character from the Forest) daughter and her struggle when her best friend's brother gets infected. They eventually must leave their home by the ocean and venture back into the Forest.

A lot of new information is given about the zombies in this book as well as how the current civilizations function. There's even a cult introduced.

One aspect of the book that I would criticize is the main character's (Gabry) indecision between two boys who love her. This is similar to a plot line in the first book. Ryan apparently likes to write about that, however the adventure, survival, and the need for more information about the zombies really overtake that plot line and it can be overlooked.

The book ended with "hope" as Ryan stated in an interview and it was very opened ended. That was the main criticism I had about the first book. But knowing that a third and final book in the trilogy is already written helps the ease that frustration.