A review by kellyhager
Destiny and Deception by Shannon Delany


When this book opens, all seems perfect for Jess and Pietr. The Russian mob isn't after them anymore, and they've found a cure for the whole "Pietr and his family are werewolves" problem (even though it may only be temporary, still better than nothing). Awesome, right? Except that (a) the cure has made Pietr kind of boring and (b) a new and different pack of werewolves has moved into the town.

The introduction of Marlaena and her pack was fantastic. Even though she's definitely more villain than heroine, I absolutely loved Marlaena and am excited to learn more about her backstory (hopefully in the next book). There are also a lot of plot threads I'm excited to see resolved in the next book (not the least of which is what exactly is going on at that school they attend).

While it's tempting to slam Jess for never being satisfied, I think it's important to point out that I'm glad Shannon Delany chose to showcase the fact that sometimes the things we think we want most are not really good for us. (I think a lot of us have the tendency to want the wrong things, you know?) And while she wants more of a future with Pietr than what she'd get if he stayed a werewolf, it's also important to point out that that's what she fell in love with. And if you were to remove a major trait from someone, obviously they'd be someone completely different. (And obviously she didn't think about that until it was too late.)

This series is incredibly fun and I cannot wait to see where it goes next.