A review by dazmanda
Jealousy Survival Guide: How to Feel Safe, Happy, and Secure in an Open Relationship by Elisabeth Sheff, Kitty Chambliss


A short and easy-to-read book that I’d recommend to anyone dealing with jealousy (or the prospect of it) in their non-monogamous relationship(s). Especially if you have not read much or done much work on your jealousy before, this book will provide a great framework for understanding and dealing with this difficult emotion.

The content of the book was definitely useful for its intended reader. However I can’t rate this book more than 3 stars because of the poor writing. The over use of exclamation marks (sometimes 4 or more on a single page) is annoying. The author pads the chapters and sections with repetitive inanities (“what if I told you that it’s possible to [X Y Z]? You’d want to know how, right? Great! Read on to find out how!”). The book is about 100 pages long but inside it are very large topics that could each have had their own books, which the author summarises too quickly and never really gets in to.

If you are in a situation where you need to get a better handle on jealousy, read this book. Grit your teeth through the annoying and bad writing, don’t worry it’s only 100 pages long so you won’t have to suffer for too long.