A review by joaniemaloney
The Russian Century: A History of the Last Hundred Years by Brian Moynahan


This book covers Soviet history in the last century, from the decline of the Romanovs to the rise of the Bolsheviks, and through the wars and famine and changing of the guard 'til present day. It's mainly a collection of photographs, not too much text to read but Brian Moynahan's writing ties it all together rather well. It's as short a history you can write for the past century without cutting out too much, and as a newbie I can appreciate the starting points I have to do more research. The cultural bits really caught my attention in particular, and I'll have to look up some works by certain artists and authors later on.

It's a very valuable set of photographs that gives various viewpoints of Russian life, from the rich to the poor, or the well-fed and the hungry and desperate. I found the ones during collectivization and the famine to be particularly haunting. I had heard just a bit about that period of time but wasn't so aware - these photos will stay with me. This would be a powerful book with the photographs alone.