A review by angelwolf45
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Guardians Disassembled by Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue DeConnick


I love the Guardians.

This continued the story of the Guardians and how they are protecting the universe from those that are trying to take over and be ruler of the whole universe. They are being hunted through Star Lord's father because Star Lord and the Guardians tried to save the planet Earth from invaders when they all agreed to not touch earth. This one they are split up to tackle a few things that needs to be done but they will get back together.

I love the Guardians they are always making me laugh with the way that they banter with each other. They work well as a team and they enjoy being around each other even when they argue about things they still care for each other.

These are my favorite heroes and enjoy reading about them.