A review by shh_reading85
Gyre by Jessica Gunn


Cross posted on Shh I am Reading

I received this book from the publisher Curiosity Quills Press in exchange for an honest review.

I had some trouble with this book at first. It took me about 60 pages to finally draw me in. Normally, teleportation and mythology draws me in immediately. It was well worth the wait because it turned out to be a good book, despite the high and low pace of the book.

I actually enjoyed the male to female protagonist POV in this book. It gave both characters a bit more depth, although I did find Trevor to be annoying in his affections and I felt Chelsea didn’t find her voice or affection for Trevor until near the end of the book. So a lot of the affection parts were one sided. It made the insta-love a bit gag worthy.

I think that Chelsea’s reactions to suddenly teleporting to Trevor on SeaSat5, after Trevor rescues her, were well justified. She didn’t accept her abilities too quickly. Even when she developed more abilities, she was rightfully freaked out about these abilities.
Trevor made some serious errors in this book and he struggled to admit that he was in the wrong. Chelsea was a far better character for she was able to admit her faults, strengths and weaknesses.

I was unaware of Lemuria being a lost land like Atlantis. That was quite an interesting tidbit for me. I hope that in the next novel, Lemuria is touched on more.

There was some confusion about who Trevor worked for, who the bad guys were and who the good guys were. It became a bit of a jumble at the end.

Despite the issues in the book, it was a good book and a new take on adding mythology and mythological creatures and abilities.