A review by see_sadie_read
King's Raven by Maggie Secara


This is one of those books that was well written, probably well researched (I don't know the subject well enough to know, but it feels right), and well edited but not a real hit with me. I mean I liked it. I still very much enjoyed Raven. I still appreciated Ben and I still thought their dynamic was fun. I still liked the creative side characters and the way things tied together. So, there is no argument that this is a good book.

Stylistically, however, it didn't click with me. There is a lot of hopping back and forward in time and between characters and this is a technique that crawls under my skin and chafes. I don't enjoy it. So, unfortunately my basic enjoyment of the story was compromised. It made the book feel overly long, I think.

Other than that one complaint (which is based on my personal preference) I have no reservations about recommending this book to fantasy readers. It's well worth picking up, though I recommend reading [b:The Dragon Ring|13544182|The Dragon Ring (Harper Errant, #1)|Maggie Secara|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1331842102s/13544182.jpg|19109179] first.