A review by charliesmom
Atlantia by Ally Condie


Ugh, this book. This has been on my tbr for years, and I just got around to it. I loved the idea of an underwater city and of sirens, but the story was really just lacking pizazz. First of all, it was very slow paced, which you probably wouldn’t expect out of a relatively short book. The majority of the story is just the main characters inner dialogue about missing her sister. Very snooze-tastic. The entire story is leading up to an event that only takes place the last 50 pages or so, and the whole rest of the story really doesn’t build up to these last pages where literally the entire plot is shoved into. And although the last 50 pages should have been a blast to read, because finally all the dots were connecting, it was anything but. It simply didn’t make sense, and I felt like the author was grasping at strings trying to bring a climax to the story. The characters.... well, extremely dull is an understatement. Basically there is one person we get to know, and very little development goes into her. Then there’s her love interest, who honestly she has a handful of encounters with that are all practically small talk with nothing else. Overall, there was some potential for this book, but not enough to make it worth reading. Not my favorite.