A review by pacey1927
Flying, by Carrie Jones


I really enjoyed this book. It is light and silly fun. The style it is written in remind me of Marlene Perez's "Dead is" series. It also reminds me of a a YA version of Julie Kenner's "Demon Hunting Soccer Mom" series. However, this book still has some style uniquely its own. This is a quick and easy read that should be suitable for most ages. Mana is a cheerleader who lives with her single mother. She is teased for not being too bright but she is much smarter than she is given credit for. She has two best friends, Seppie and Lyle. Everything is all normal high school living until one day Mana realizes her mom isn't at her cheerleading event, and her mom never misses one. Then she sees her crush Dakota being forcibly removed from the game but a suspicious looking man in glasses. She follows them and bam! She sees Dakota spitting green acid and suddenly she doesn't know who is really the bad guy. And her mom's been kidnapped? By Aliens! Mana teams up with her friends and her mom's work partner to try to find her mom and she learns more about her friends, her parents and aliens than she ever intended. The pace is just great. The book can be finished in a matter of hours. The writing in engaging and the characters are pretty well written. There are a lot of clues readers should be able to pick up on starting from the very beginning of the book which turn into plot reveals toward the end of the story so if the book has a real fault, it is the fact that the ending is fairly predictable. Still a good, solid fun novel and definitely one I would pick up the sequel to.