A review by phantomgecko
Educated by Tara Westover

challenging medium-paced


I avoided reading this book for a long time because I was pretty sure it'd make me angry. I literally know people mentioned in this book because I married into the extended family. At first, I just heard from that extended family how much of it was untrue and mean. Then I became more familiar with the family and realized I'd probably be more on Tara's side than not.

People from back home have been asking me about this book, and I was embarrassed. "My husband isn't like that. I'm not like that," I wanted to scream. But I didn't know exactly what the book said, so it was hard to defend.

Though doubtlessly exaggerated or bent in certain places, the gist of this memoir rings true. (I've met her father, and tbh, you can only tell he has burn scars if you look super carefully and closely, for example.) Especially with the extended witness testimony, particularly of her brothers, I believe for sure there was an abusive situation, and Tara is as yet still being gaslighted about the whole thing.

I read an article about the family and their reaction that was published just this year (2023), just to really hear both sides. (I know these people but I'm not tight, ya feel? Second cousins and such.) And legit the things some family members said in the article felt exactly the same as how Tara had written them. 

So, still I am embarrassed. Embarrassed that so many people that live in proximity to where I am now legitimately think and act the way of the Westovers in the book. I mean mostly in reference to all the fake medicine and energy healing bs, but also definitely with anti-government sentiment.

I'm glad Tara extricated herself from a garbage situation, and she shouldn't mend ties until they apologize, imho. The writing in engaging, the structure effective, and the musings though provoking.

Though this book isn't about me, I feel it reflects on where I live, so please don't judge Idaho too harshly. And I have to accept some people are stupid and will remain stupid, and there's nothing I can do about it.

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