A review by futurememory
Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox


Welp, this was all the Kryptonite for me. I really adored a lot of things about Dreamhunter - the concept alone is everything! - but Dreamquake was definitely the stronger of the two.

I won't get into spoilers, but if you know me, you know that
SpoilerI'm a complete and utter sucker for time travel. Even absolutely horrific time travel that makes no sense. The concept is just shark bait for me. I can't stay away. And the lovely, sad, and melancholic way that time travel is handled here is just beyond gorgeous. Does it make no sense in places? Yes. But that's okay, because I forgive time travel for a lot of things.

I just love the way everything in this book clicked together so intricately. Each piece falls into place, and even if you're not happy with the denouement, it's still amazingly constructed. I really love how difficult of a character Laura is. She's capricious, childish, impudent, impulsive, and passionate. She's not easy to like, let alone love.

I didn't appreciate the erasure of the native New Zealand Maori peoples (although I have read that Mortal Fire, a sort of companion book of sorts to the Duet, completely addresses this issue in spades and makes sense of why there aren't any indigenous natives). And there are probably some things in the novels that will squick some people out.

But for me? This was one oddly captivating, fascinating ride.