A review by user613
Rescuing Lord Inglewood by Sally Britton


A statue of the Greek Hermes comes falling off Esther's neighbor's roof. Silas, an old childhood friend of Esther, is walking underneath, and Esther pushes him out of the way and saves his life. She lands on top of him and falling unconcious from a blow to her head. Esther's and her family hope that people will forget about this compromising situation and it won't stain her name. (Esther is not happy when her sister-in-law suggests she and Silas marry).
Then, a few weeks later, Esther falls into a lake, with Silas present, and walks back to the main party dripping wet and wearing his coat. Silas decides there's only one way to keep Esther's reputation clean, and announces they're engaged.
However, Esther how quite strong feelings about people making decisions for her. Especially Silas, her brother, Isaac's friend, who always considered her a baby.
And, Silas doesn't even ask her what she thinks before they're married.
She's sure that Silas married her because he feels responsibility towards Isaac (who's away at war) and not because he feels anything towards her. And she hates how he treats her no better than anyone else.

The lack of communication between the two, and Esther's self-doubt were annoying at first, but ultimately they added to the charm of the story.
We watch Esther and Silas overcome their feelings and past memories, understand where they went wrong and apologize to each other, learn to communicate, and slowly but surely fall in love.

This was a sweet romance touching on themes of frienship, family and mourning. We even got to learn about the end of the French revolution.

Content warnings:
Silas and Esther, once married, share some kisses and she lies her head on his chest a few times and he holds her in his arms. There are many subtle alludings to doing more one day, mostly mentions of the door between Silas and Esther's rooms, and a few mentions of having children which cause Esther to blush. It all felt sweet.
Both Silas and Isaac hug their female friends once. (When Silas does this in front of her Esther is jealous).

SpoilerThere is mild violence in this book, none described.
Esther gets a bloody head injury. Isaac, Esther's brother, is fighting in France. He's thought to be dead for a week and Esther and Silas mourn, then he appears at their house missing an arm. He gives a brief summary of how it happened.

Mention of Lazarus, raised from the dead. Silas and Esther are married in a church and their banns are read.
Mention of pagan statues. Silas is nearly hit by a stone depiction of Hermes that falls from a roof.