A review by books17
Star Wars: Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Captain Phasma by Kelly Thompson


This was alright - Phasma definitely works more in a comic/visual medium than in a text medium (see my recent review of [b:Phasma|34859132|Phasma (Journey to Star Wars The Last Jedi, #2)|Delilah S. Dawson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1492211485l/34859132._SY75_.jpg|56100365]), and it's a fairly small contained story of Phasma killing a bloke who discovered that she was the one who dropped the shields on Starkiller Base.

Gorgeous artwork throughout as I've come to expect from most Star Wars comics, writing was fine. Whatever. I'm still waiting to be blown away by a Star Wars comic like I was by the original Gillen Vaders and yes I will keep going on about it.