A review by louandlife
Not Your Villain by C.B. Lee


This series has become one of my new all time favourite series. I can't wait to finish it and film a video all on why people are missing out on this series!

This book follows Bells, and it follows him from before Book 1, [b:Not Your Sidekick|29904219|Not Your Sidekick (Sidekick Squad, #1)|C.B. Lee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1460486105l/29904219._SY75_.jpg|50278232]. I was confused when I first started this book because I thought that it would start off from the end of book 2. After a chapter or two, I understood what the book was doing. It was taking us through all of Bells important scenes before book 1, during book 1, and then continues the story. This did mean that the story was slow paced in the beginning as it starts before any of the action. This entire book was a lot slower in pace than book 1 because the adult were more involved in the story. They did adult things and prevented their teenage children from participating. I did understand this but I also felt like they should have had parental supervision.

I did like the story less in this book because of the pacing but also the plot wasn't as gripping. In addition, the books do not conclude story lines. I'm hoping that we get a conclusion to everything in the next books. However, I do like the fact that we got to know Bells better and see key memories of his life and what made him Bells. I also like the fact that Jess and Abby are still around in this book because of how much I loved them in the first book. I also do appreciate Emma exploring her sexuality and figuring out if she is asexual (and that asexuality is a spectrum).

I didn't particularly like the romance for Bells though. The whole series builds up to it, but because the person that he's interested doesn't appear to be interested in him until the end, it makes me not invested in them as a couple. However, I do hope that my feelings change in the next book.

Overall, I'm really glad to have found this series and I can't wait to read the next book! I highly recommend this series if you are looking for a superhero story filled with LGBT+ representation (own voices for bi rep) written by an Asian author.