A review by laurla
Masks by Karen Chance

-nice to have a glimpse into mircea's start. but shouldn't this be #0.something rather than # 6.5 in the series?

"you think you’re so different from us, because you lost a palace? a kingdom? i lost a kingdom, too. so did every man here. maybe our kingdoms were smaller, just a house we built with our own two hands, a wife we loved, a child. but do you think they meant any less? do you think we mourn their loss one bit less than you?"

"power took the place of morals, of law - of god, for that matter. everything revolved around whether you COULD do something, instead of whether you SHOULD. and no one seemed to have a problem with that."

"it makes me seasick!"
"you can't be seasick on land, silly."
"i can if my stomach says i can!"

"we have all eternity and this is what we do with it? refine our cruelty?"

"its in the moments when we don't have time to think, that we show who we really are."

"but the bad things - they can be fought. they can be fought, and we can win!"
"a lot of the time. but even if we don't, it feels so good just to try."