A review by gloomyboygirl
The Informers by Bret Easton Ellis


Despite the mid rating, I liked this a lot. The final two stories were just so weird and unnecessary that it brought down the whole book for me-- tbh a lot of the 3rd to last did too but it is what it is. A light parody of white upper crust LA in the 80s in all it's immoral, drug-induced, and sex-crazed glory. Everyone sucks so much due to privilege and hedonism combining but everyone is also human in their emotional lives. And when you think about it, isn't privileged white Americana the same as being a vampire? I am sick of heroin usage being shorthand for morally off the rails human being, though.

Probably would be 4 stars without the last two stories and 5 stars without the last three. I apparently love how Ellis writes and criticizes high society and nihilism is a philosophical thread I like to indulge in despite not believing in it. But the intense violence and in your face surrealism of the closing stories flopped for me, unfortunately.