A review by claradonna
Nightfall by L.J. Smith


If I could give this 0 stars I would. I wasn't a big fan of the series to begin with but I had them so I kept reading anyways. 1 wasn't good, 2-4 were decent, but this one was god awful. The plot dragged on and on and it was confusing and not well-explained. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy and full of holes. The part that really irked me the most was when Elena just suddenly develops these angel powers out of nowhere and just apparently knows how to use them. When she uses them on Damon to get him to suddenly see the light it's irrelevant because he sacrifices the perspective he gained to the villain. Elena somehow manages to defeat the big bads in a way that doesn't actually defeat them or make any sense but Damon still has to make a deal that makes him give up the memories of his enlightenment and the villains just saunter off into the distance without tidying up any of the mess they made so you don't know if the creature things they use to control people still exist or not. I'm a quick reader and spend lots of time reading and this book took me a couple weeks to finish, I almost DNF.