A review by jfbfsf
Punch Me Up to the Gods: A Memoir by Brian Broome


My biggest takeaway from this powerful, raw, incredibly poignant story was how much the author hated himself growing up. Throughout his childhood (and young adulthood) it was beat into him - literally and metaphorically - that how and who he was was an abomination. Something no self respecting person should be, something no one else would want to be or be around.
Reading that HURT.
For him to be able to lay it out so brutally honestly on the page was amazing. Being able to come to terms with that, and find a way to a place of peace, self respect, and love, is herculean. But I felt like the memoir didn't really touch on how he got from there to here; it mostly focused on those early, painful days, acknowledging his difficult childhood, and his years of addiction.
There are moments of the story that are funny - teenage Brian going to a dance club and showing off moves, young adult Brian going to his first pride parade, trying out gay bars, trying to fit in and meet people - but underlying it all is the overwhelming sadness of a young boy who doesn't love himself, and doesn't feel loved by anyone around him.
Because of that, at times this was difficult for me to read, and I hesitated to pick it up after a break. But it was beautifully written, with such clarity that it almost felt plainspoken at times, and the author's ability to look critically without anger at such difficult experiences was stunning.