A review by bigedbarnham
Presto! How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales by Penn Jillette


I found this book quite a delight, but, I have to admit, I've always been a fan of Penn.

There are a few things that I found particularly helpful: how to handle being around food and drink after theatre performances (when everyone else wants to consume everything in sight), not eating like a hog just because somebody else is picking up the tab, and finding the power to just say no to people trying to get you off plan (mostly because it's easier for them when you are off plan).

Penn calls bullshit on some of his own thinking prior to going on his weight loss venture, and calls bullshit on "calling bullshit" on things just because the science isn't complete or the studies aren't overwhelmingly conclusive or the scientific work is in its early stages. Finding what works for you that helps you maintain your health is the key goal.

I recommend this book for anyone wanting to try something different while simultaneously reading another person's experience with that different thing.

1. I did the Potato Hack for two weeks after reading this book.
2. I followed Furhman's nutritarian approach for three months after the potato hack.
3. I hate the word nutritarian.
4. I lost 31 pounds over the course of a few months.
5. I swing between potato hack and nutritarian and eating like a monster currently.
6. I've maintained that 30 pound loss over six months.