A review by kittykult
The Circle by Damon Clark


A teenage boy named Christian moves to a new town with his father. He befriends a group of outcasts and they decide to mess with the occult. Unfortunately, the only way to stop the ritual that possessed them is by killing off his new friends, one by one.

I enjoyed the art (Alyzia Zherno goes off every time) and the story was mostly fun. "New kid gets into the wrong crowd" is one of my favorite horror tropes. At first I thought the story was going a different way because there was a nod to The Lost Boys when they first hang out.

Unfortunately, I feel like the pacing was a little off, and this is something that happens occasionally with graphic novels - the story and characters are not fleshed out and so the story feels rushed and by the time we get momentum and start enjoying the world, BOOM everything is off the rails and the end comes slamming into you. Also there's a bit of a problematic "gy**y" arc and this was created in like 2017 so c'mon we know that's a slur and we shouldn't use stereotypes of nomadic cultures to resolve plot lines, thank you.

Overall, I was disappointed because I went into this wanting so much more than I ended up getting, but I didn't think the story itself was terrible, Damon Clark just needed to build on it a little more.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy. Let me be the first to apologize for taking ages to get around to reviewing this book even though I received it before it was published. I am a bad little bean.