A review by abookishaffair
The White Pearl by Kate Furnivall


2.5 stars. "The White Pearl" is a historical fiction book that takes place in Southeast Asia during World War II. It follows Connie, a woman who can't stop thinking about her past and what would have happened if she followed a different path.

Unfortunately this book wasn't my favorite at all:

Characters: I didn't feel like you got to know any of the characters very well at all, not even the main character, Connie. I really wanted to understand more about the various characters so you can understand a little bit more about where the characters are coming from. I don't necessarily need to like characters but I do need to be interested in what they do and what ends up happening to them and I really had a hard time with that during this book.

The pace of the book was a little bit too slow for me. I liked the beginning of the story in Malaya but once the characters get on the yacht (The White Pearl), the book really slowed down for me. It became a lot of characters just talking and thinking about their feelings and there wasn't a whole lot of action to continue moving the story along.

One thing that I really enjoy about Ms. Furnivall's books is that they take place in really unique settings when compared to a lot of other historical fiction books. The setting was my favorite part of this book. Malaya is such a fascinating place to read about and I liked reading about the other islands. The descriptions were good but not enough for me.