A review by luffy79
Tell Me, Pretty Maiden by Rhys Bowen


As time goes on, the previous Molly Murphy books fade into the mysterious and the unknown, forget that I do about them. The series of books, is in essence, something unique in its making. I've never seen a disparity and an unevenness in the writing prowess of the author. The result is a jagged writing style, as if the meaning of the prose has being written during an earthquake.

Rhys Bowen probably needs to keep adding ingredients to the mixture. She wants to overload us with information. She might be fearful of losing her reader's attention. For such an upbeat style, there are surprisingly lots of deaths in this series. There are victims, there are people whom you want to die yet they come back from the dead. Just ask Harry Potter.

The author's bane has always been a confusing finale. Here the trials of Jessie are the key to solving a couple of mysteries that are interrelated somehow. You forget or buy it nevertheless because the readers care about the stakes and the sympathetic characters. The villains do not - most times - appear before the heroine. Some of the original characters are absent, while new ones pop up without being overbearing. There's a nice balance to the story and I can't put my finger on what made this book more successful(IMHO of course) than the others. Not a bad book to burn the midnight oil with.