A review by somechelsea
The New Girl, by Meg Cabot


A sweet story, but not nearly as good as Cabot's young adult fiction. Allie is really just a young Mia - they have the same voice (which, actually, is Cabot's voice. it comes through in all of her characters, in varying degrees, and she writes the exact same way in her blog. it's a charming voice, certainly, and very funny, which means that I can overlook it more often than not, but all of her characters share it.), both have plenty of neuroses (or as close to neuroses as a forth grader can have), and they're both obsessed with their cats. Though I found Allie annoying, while I seldom feel that way about Mia...

I think younger girls will love the series, but it's not one that translates well to older readers. I don't think I'm going to bother with the others in the series.