A review by sri_savita
The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai


This was even better than First Comes Like in some ways, and I loved that one too! Alisha Rai is 2 for 2 with me, and I just started Girl Gone Viral . I think Rai's books have amazing mental health representation that is explicitly discussed between the characters on the page too, and an awesome strong focus on female friendships.

I thought there were so many interwoven plot-lines that made the world of this romance novel feel so fresh. I loved learning about the tech industry side of dating, and that Rhiannon was such a leader in her STEM/business field.

All of the side characters like Annabelle Costas, Lakshmi, and Rhiannon's brother and mother were well-crafted and felt realistic too, and I enjoyed all the different kinds of representation, social themes, diversity, and inclusion in this book.

The standout for me was Samson's character, I loved his close ties to his family and the CTE plot. As someone who had never taken much of an interest in sports, but knew of some of this research from the perspective of being a cognitive psychologist, this was educational, and I'm glad Rai is including this information for others in this story.

I also loved how Samson and Rhiannon talked openly about their baggage, flaws, and insecurities near the end of the novel (which made the whole dramatic misunderstanding plot point more palatable). LOVED this one so much!