A review by bananatricky
Code of Honor, by April White


Hmm. I really enjoyed the first book in this series but I have to say this book left me feeling that April White was trying too hard to make our heroine Anna quirky and dorky. You know, I got that feeling that she was pointing her thumbs at her chest, rocking from side to side saying 'I'm clumsy, dorky, have no filter, and I wear wacky t-shirts, me'. It was too much, especially when almost every chapter starts with one of Anna's wacky t-shirt slogans. Also, if Anna described Darius as a Disney prince once she did it a dozen times (I've checked my Kindle and I underestimated, it was 29 times).

Anyway, Anna is the dorky twin, her identical sister Collette has all the glamour and poise. Anna is a bounty-hunter and her sister is an interior designer. Together they have planned a daring robbery to steal back a painting of their mother and her sister.

Darius is the designer of the security system protecting the painting which is located in a panic room. He meets Anna, masquerading as her sister, at a party when she is casing the joint prior to the robbery. He is instantly attracted to this beautiful woman who doesn't behave like all the other women at the party and who spouts her every thought out loud.

Can you fall in love with the man who is trying to discover your identity?

I enjoyed the story and the link to a 1990s robbery of a Boston museum, I liked the way it linked together all the pieces, I liked Darius and his unusual family history, I just didn't like the way Anna was written.