A review by nikitaxx
The Dare by J.L. Beck, C. Hallman

Beta reader

You guys I’m not even playing! If you loved the bet as much as i did and still do then you’ll love the dare! You will freaking ugly cry like i did! I’m still not over this book! It was so damn good!
I seriously had a love/hate relationship with Vance throughout this book which was leaning towards hate for the most part lol
if i could physically go into this book I would! just to freaking throat punch him and crush his nuts!!
My emotions were freaking all over the place with this one! I was up until 4 am ugly crying because once i started it I literally did not want to put it down!
That was literally nothing like I expected it was wayyy freaking more! Omg i loved the dare so much! Had tons of love/hate/ i wana punch you moments with Vance lol... i was hyperventilating half the time wondering what the hell happens next! That was beautifully written and held so much emotions I freaking ugly cried alotttt!!! Also what the hell is up with that ending? *when you guys read it you’ll know*
This was everything and more!
So my actual thoughts on this is that i fucking loved it!!!!!!
I’d say 10 ⭐️ because it was that good! Definitely add it to you tbr’s guys!