A review by snowedinwithmykindle
House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III


A friend had me watch this movie shortly after its release and I remember thinking it was a complete waste of time. But over the years I have seen the novel by Andre Dubus III pop up on book lists and thought to myself "maybe one day I will read it". I'm glad I did.

Like many other reviewers have said, the beginning of the book was pretty slow and left me feeling underwhelmed. The language and writing style was hard to wrap my head around. That being said, once I started seeing the plot unfold I was so caught up in the intertwining stories that I didn't want to put it down.

Dubus reached that perfect blend of mystery, danger, love and sex that had me wanting more. He makes you question who the "bad guy" is throughout and truly empathize with ALL the characters. Now I am on the search to find the movie and rewatch it with a new found respect.