A review by sazzle182
The Book of Love, by Kathleen McGowan


I loved the first book in this series, The Expected One. I know that some people think it is some sort of Dan Brown rip off, but I always thought the characters and quality of writing and research made it superior. So I was looking forward to starting this book, buying it days after I finished The Expected One.

It took me about five attempts to start the book, it was slow and boring and many times it just returned to the book case to maybe be read again at another time. It was due to illness that I picked the novel up again, forcing myself through the slow start and beginning the story of Matilda.

This book is different from the first, and in reflection I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I found myself in love with Matilda's story and bored when it reverted back to Maureen and the present day.

I felt the ending was rushed for both Matilda, her last years summed up in only a few lines and the end of the book regarding Maureen seemed rushed too.

I have a lot of mixed feelings towards this book, but over all, I did enjoy it. The Matilda story in particular, and I did like the ending, even if it was rushed. I do tend to appreciate novels where a lot of research has went into it and that was definitely evident here. I get the impression it may have been better had it been edited better? Possibly?

It is only getting 3 stars as it didn't grip me the way I expected it too, my interest was mostly to Matilda and as a result, I probably will not read it again, and, at the minute, I don't think I'll buy/read the next book of the series.