A review by thegeekyblogger
The King by J.R. Ward


Listened for Review (Penguin Audio)
Overall Rating: 3.50
Story Rating: 3.25
Character Rating: 3.75

Audio Rating: 4.00 (Not part of the overall rating)

First Thought when Finished: The last quarter of The King by J.R. Ward bumped the rating from a 3.00 to a 3.50, it was a very good way to end that story.

Note: This will probably be my last BDB book for awhile. I think my love affair with these characters has gone. That isn't on J.R. Ward. She has been very consistent these last few books in how she is now telling these stories. There is just too much going on for me and not enough quality time with the lead characters of each book. That is just a personal reading preference. Many people (including my mom) still love this series! That means I will always have access to the books should I choose to come back. So instead of going into why this just doesn't work for me anymore (It is me, not the books), I am just going to do an audio review.

Audio Thoughts:
Narrated By Jim Frangione / Length: 22 hrs and 4 mins

I love Jim's narration of this series. He makes the slang a little less annoying. He makes me smile with his ability to show the brotherhood at their best and show their camaraderie. I also like his ability to make the bad guys, pretty darn bad. I do recommend these on audio (if you haven't already been reading them). I think it would be harder for someone who has only been reading the series to jump in though because I guarantee that some of the characters will sound different in your head.

Final Thoughts: Despite my problems with the story (or the sheer amount of them), I did love the ending. I think the series is about to turn a corner and it just might be really good!