A review by jantine
Cross Stitch by Amanda James


'Cross Stitch' seems to make a perfect blend of romance, time travel and friendship. It was great to see so many things develop!

Up to about halfway the book, the event of 1928 in the previous book was brought up again every chapter, so much that even I who had not read that previous book felt like the Weasley twins at the start of Harry Potter's second year, when Persey became Head Boy. 'You might have told us, once or twice, every minute, all summer.' The other side of that coin is, that I did not feel like I missed any vital information at all, even while I have not read 'A Stitch in Time', and I could thoroughly enjoy the story because of that.

Have I told how much I liked Veronica? She was awesome, and one wonderful example of a great and developing character!

I received an ebook through Netgalley in return for an honest review.