A review by sarah42783
Fire Water by Jaye Wells


Actual rating: 3.5

Warning: I thought I would have the time to write a proper crappy review for this story but it looks like it's not going to happen. Crappier than crap crappy review to be expected.

This probably deserved a 3-star rating but I just can't be reasonable when it comes to Kate Prospero so 3.5 it is. I almost went for a 4 but decided to try and salvage the little credibility I have left. Funny little me.

This is pretty enjoyable despite the desperate lack of Macho. Well if you're not familiar with this series you probably have no idea of what I'm talking about. Well that's your problem, not mine. Ha.

This is pretty enjoyable because it gives great insight into Kate's life as a rookie cop. You might call these her pre-Cupcake days. Well if you're not familiar with this series you probably have no idea of what I'm talking about. Well that's your problem, not mine. Ha.

This is pretty enjoyable because we get to find out how Kate first met Baba, her seventy-something crazy potion cooking/senior citizen-stalking freak/neighbour. No sexy juice or smutty book club meetings to be had in this instalment, unfortunately. Sigh.

This is pretty enjoyable even though the plot is neither deep nor mind-blowingly original. It's fast paced and entertaining, what more do you want?

This is pretty enjoyable because Kate Prospero.

This is pretty enjoyable because Kate Prospero.

This is pretty enjoyable because Kate Prospero.

Am I repeating myself? It sure looks like it doesn't it? Why do you think that is? Are you getting the point I'm trying to make? You are? Good for you! your parents must be so proud.

Now just stop wasting time on Goodreads and go read this series. You can thank me later.

Book 1: Dirty Magic ★★★★
Book 2: Cursed Moon ★★★★★
Book 3: Deadly Spells ★★★★★
Book 4: Volatile Bonds ★★★