A review by andimontgomery
The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons


2.5 stars. I had heard good things about his book - the mythology revisited, the beautiful writing, etc. But revisiting Medusa and the gods in our modern day world just didn't work for me. I mean, who wants to read about the gods viewing their iPads and going clothes shopping? Several of them also acted like a bunch of buffoons.

The author did take some liberties with Medusa's history, and for those of you thinking you will see Perseus, you won't. Because in this one, Medusa is initially a tragic character who soon becomes better off. Too soon, in my opinion, because I preferred the earlier Medusa in this novel to the latter one.

I'm also not a fan of romances, and I was wary of this book's overall theme. At about the 50% mark, just when I thought this would become a gooey romance, the author surprised me with an unexpected twist. Thank heavens!

But overall, I wasn't really fond of Medusa's continued damsel-in-distress mode, and her freezing up when she needed to take decisive action. She wasn't really likable for those reasons, and I found myself becoming more and more disengaged as the story moved along.

Based on others' ratings, I see I am mostly in the minority with these opinions. The writing was well done, but this just book wasn't for me. So take my rating with these considerations, and don't hate me for not loving this.