A review by stucknbooks14
Sweet Solace by Alexa Padgett


trigger warnings will be at the bottom of this review, to avoid spoilers
(there’s multiple deaths involved, as well as the safety of children)

I’m balancing the tightrope between three and four stars. But because I genuinely enjoyed it, I have to go with four stars. We get information slowly, in little sprinkles. And none of it really makes sense as separate pieces. There was too much time making assumptions. Everything was building, and ready to explode. At times, it was hard to remember/easy to forget this was about a group of well established, fully lived 30 somethings. Some actions felt like inexperienced 20 somethings. Lia is alive, but not living. She’s living in a dark cloud of grief. Asher is trying his hardest not to lose his mind because of his soon to be ex wife, who he is very happily divorcing. And in the midst of all the chaos, Asher decides it’s time to drop his unrequited love bombshell. (Big fan of that though.) But it was easy to see from the very beginning of the book that it wasn’t actually unrequited. That’s just a little too hard for Lia to grasp though, with that dark cloud and all. They’re both mentally and emotionally stretching themselves thin. And I FELT it! The author really said, “this hurts, but I’m going to make it hurt even more”.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “You have this. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
• “I keep thinking about you.”
• “Don’t give up on me. Please.”
• “You have no idea how much I like hearing my name from your mouth.”
• “If you say that again, I’m going to kiss you, and screw the consequences.”
• “I want them to know you’re mine.”
• “I would’ve waited longer. For you.”
• “Not good enough. I said scream.”
• “You’ve always been mine.”

8/10 Dirty Birdy
4/10 Forced Proximity
7/10 Second Chance
6/10 Slow Burn
10/10 Single Parent
5/10 Workplace Romance

Trigger Warnings include:
death of a spouse, death of a parent, Huntington’s, grief, panic attacks, depression, marital cheating (not between MCs), Breast Cancer, suicide and suicidal thoughts, custody threats/battle, postpartum depression, death of a child/infant, child neglect