A review by faerietears
Girl on the Brink by Christina Hoag


Girl on the Brink is a must read for all teenagers. It’s both light and dark, happy and sad. Despite red flags going up right away for me with Kieran, it’s easy to see how Chloe let the attention Kieran gives her take over her life. It’s easy to see how his attentiveness turns to obsession. Turns to emotional, and eventually physical, abuse.

This book is hard to read. It’s hard to see a nice girl like Chloe, who is already going through so much at home with her dad having moved away and her mom sunk in a deep depression. It’s no wonder she clings to the one good thing in her life, the boy who says he loves her.

Abuse is a difficult topic to tackle, especially when aimed at teens. Hoag did a wonderful job creating realistic characters, setting up the romance, and putting in all the little warnings that things weren’t as good as they seemed. I truly believe this book belongs in every high school. Too many girls go through what Chloe endured and they need to know that they are not alone and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I think my favorite thing about this book is that it’s not preachy. It doesn’t read like an after school special. It’s just a good teen contemporary romance… that takes a dark turn into abuse.

Disclaimer: I work for the publisher of this book and I am the cover designer, however I stand by my review and ratings 100%. I would not promote a book I didn’t believe in.