A review by eesh25
Just a Bit Unhealthy by Alessandra Hazard


If the second book was the most normal of the series, this one would be its exact opposite. The name proclaims that the relationship is "Just a bit" unhealthy. It's actually a lot more than "just a bit".

The protagonists met when one of them got severely injured. Gabriel is a football (or soccer, whatever) player and he didn't think he would every play again. Jared was his physiotherapist and during the recovery process, they developed a bond of sorts. Gabriel loves Jared. But Jared is in love with Gabriel, who has a serious girlfriend and is most certainly straight.

The book starts off years after the whole injury thing, Gabriel is playing again and he and Jared are still very close. Unusually close. Which is a problem because Jared is in love with the guy and watching Gabriel with his girlfriend and silently suffering cannot be healthy. He's happy to spend time with Gabe, but also kinda miserable. He doesn't know how to leave. That's why the relationship is unhealthy. It's co-dependant and there seems to be no solution. Neither can change his feelings and neither wants to let go, though Jared tries.

And despite all that, this isn't a bad book. I'm conflicted about some things but the relationship and story is actually handled well, for what it is. There's some talk about sexuality and labels. The writing is good and I kinda liked the story. The characters I wasn't that invested in. They were both fine, just not my favourites. The dynamic between Jared and Gabriel is strange, everyone knows it. But it works for them so... I got nothing.