A review by stevienotnicks
Shopgirl by Steve Martin



Who knew Steve Martin could write complex, punch-you-in-the-gut drama?

Shopgirl follows Mirabella, a clerk in the glove department at Nieman Marcus. She lives a pretty mundane life with few romantic prospects until she catches the eye of one Ray Porter and her life is forever altered.

In only 130 pages, Martin developed multiple characters with a complexity you rarely even find in lengthy novels. Is Ray problematic? Absolutely. Is Mirabella self destructive? You betcha. But are both characters relatable and even I dare say, likable? 100%.

Shopgirl was adapted to film in 2004 staring Steve Martin as Ray and Claire Danes as Mirabella. I can’t wait to watch the film and see how these relationships come to life.

Quick note about the book — it does touch on some potentially triggering subjects and themes like depression, suicidal thoughts, significant age gap relationships, and general misogyny, so make sure you’re able to handle that before diving in!