A review by discocrow
Cut My Hair by Scott Morse, Jamie S. Rich, Andi Watson


The book began a bit slow, but when it picked up it picked up fast. "Cut My Hair" caught my attention in an old comic shop in NYC back in '07. I bought it on sight - the Who reference spoke to me - then tried to read it once.. twice. I think I realised at the time it was what I needed. I wish I had finished it then.

There's something to be said about a book that can cut straight through to the soul of what punk is. The discussion with Lenny 3/4ths of the way through does it exceptionally well. Punk is Artaudian, it's the heart and soul of that disruptive movement. Rock isn't dead, rap isn't the new messiah, what's done is done and we'll find what we look for if only we all search hard enough.

The ending is a nice call-back to Quadrophenia. The book isn't easy, the book isn't 'fun,' but the book is right and it knows where to end. It hits on what matters, and it hits hard.

Now, excuse my while I put on my Who vinyl.