A review by bookishlibrarian
Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte


I picked this up because I am an information hoarder; SO. MANY. NOTEBOOKS., screenshots, articles saved to Pocket, quotes from books, articles, and podcasts, journals, random slips of paper with something written on it with no context that I discover days, weeks, months later and have no idea what they are for (I recently found a random Post-it that said jesusoftheweek.com. That's it. It was in a stack of papers that had to have been years old. I don't know what it was when I actually wrote it down--it's all in Chinese now.)

Forte's book offers approaches to how to capture, organize, and use information. As someone with many random interests, I agree that part of the power in saving information are the random connections you can make between disparate things that can lead to a whole new approach or way of thinking about something. But his system design around projects is really more applicable to content creators. I also would have liked to see more practical examples of how other people organize information. The most useful takeaway--one I already knew but find very difficult to put into practice--is to be more selective in what you save to begin with, so that you are better able to find, use, and make connections from the information you do save.