A review by nikchick
Looking for Rachel Wallace by Robert B. Parker


I wasn't sure I was going to be able to read this one when the militant feminist lesbian client says (on page 9!) "John has warned me that you are a jokester. Well, I am not. If we are to have any kind of successful association you'd best understand right now that I do not enjoy humor." Oh man, I thought the portrayal of the militant women's libbers in Promised Land were bad. Still, I gave it another 20 pages and found Spenser confronting a picket line of bigots trying to bar the lesbian author from her speaking engagement:

"As we approached the group they joined arms in front of us, blocking the entrance. In the center of the line was a large man with a square jaw and thick brown hair. Looked like he'd been a tight end perhaps, at Harvard. He wore a dark suit and a pale gray silk tie. His cheeks were rosy, and his eye was clear. Probably still active in his alumni association. A splendid figure of a man, the rock upon which the picket line was anchored. Surely a foe of atheism, Communism, and faggotry. Almost certainly a perfect asshole."

Ok, I'm in.