A review by bookishzelda
The Finn Factor by Rachel Bailey

I really wanted to read The Finn Factor because I love this kind of plot. Friends becoming romantically involved. I loved The Finn Factor even more because it felt different than other ones I have read. It had a little bit more unique feel.

The thing that I thought is unique about The Finn Factor is the fact that Scarlett and Finn are best friends and have been for four years. Neither of them has been lusting after the other. They have had a solid friendship and both have dated many other people. That’s not to say that subconsciously they fell for eachother early on but neither of them knew that. So you don’t have that pining from one character to the other. It made me really like the book. When they have the “kissing lesson” it’s almost like unlocking a Pandora’s box for them. I like how things play out from that point on.

Finn and Scarlet both have issues but the issues are not too heavy. It allows you to keep interest in the book by creating drama for the plot but also let’s you really enjoy the romance.

Family is a really strong element of the book, which is also something that I really like to see. We have Scarlett who have parents, that might be a little on the eccentric end but really do love their kids. Then there is Finn who is the caretaker for his sisters, which let’s you see a different side of him. Which also brings in some great side characters.

I loved both Scarlet and Finn. Fin definitely has that adorable nerd thing going for him and Scarlet is the artist one who can rock glasses.

I loved The Finn Factor and the fact that it has romance but not to heavy on the issues. It’s a great read for when you just need a break and want something fun to make you smile.