A review by philyra91
The Locket by Stacey Jay


To be really honest, The Locket was pretty much a disappointment. It really had potential and I did have high hopes for it, but unfortunately, it fell a little flat for me.

On her seventeenth birthday, Katie discovers a locket and decides to wear it for good luck. But when her boyfriend Isaac finds out she cheated on him— with their mutual best friend Mitch, no less—he dumps her, leaving her devastated. And then a miracle happens. The locket burns on Katie's chest and she feels herself going back two weeks in time, to the night she cheated with Mitch. At first, Kate is delighted to be a better girlfriend to Isaac this time around. But as other aspects of her life become inexplicably altered, she realizes that changing the past may have had a dangerous effect on her present.

What I don’t really understand about this book is how it kept going on about how every time the necklace works, something changes but it never gets explained. For example, something heinous happens, she wishes for the necklace to work and it DOES, but then something like a tree house gets built on a higher limb on a tree. I totally understand chaos theory = how a butterfly flapping its wing can cause a hurricane, but it would have been nice if the necklace’s machinations were explained.

In addition, Katie’s character seems very one-dimensional. The entire novel has her pining over her boyfriend Issac and her love for him. Yes, I get that she loves him and will do anything to be back with him, but really, an entire novel is too much. I know nothing about Katie outside her love life and her two best friends, funnily enough Issac and Mitch. I know nothing of her family, her friends and with the exception of her social life, mostly because it involves Issac in a way, I really don’t know anything about her.

The novel does have its moments, which is pretty much only the reason why I’m giving this book 3 stars instead of 2. The ending was something I sort of guessed correctly but it might not be as see through for others so really, it might surprise you. There were twists and turns which doesn’t make the novel that bad, so if you do have the time, do give the novel a try. You might like it better than I did.