A review by ihateprozac
Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart


I……..don’t know how to feel.
And the worst part is that I can’t articulate my feelings without spoilering all over the place!

Genuine Fraud is a young adult mystery/thriller centring around an unreliable narrator by the name of Jule, whom we initially meet while vacationing in Cabo San Lucas. We quickly learn that Jule isn’t quite who or what she seems, and she’s dangerously entangled in the life of one Imogen Sokoloff.

That’s literally all I can tell you without spoiling the whole damn thing!

I finished this last night and I’m already going to have to reread the last twenty pages, because my god, I’m so confused. It’s fantastic and confusing and murderous and non-linear and unreliable AF, and I just don’t know what to think anymore. There are lies within lies and enough time jumps to give you vertigo, and I need a pinboard and a roll of red yarn to keep everything straight. Jule is one of the most unreliable narrators I’ve read in a long time (Gillian Flynn would be proud!) and I was absolutely living for it.

A central theme in this story is never sitting back and being quiet because some man makes you feel like you should be seen and not heard, so cue me basically “YASSSS”ing the whole time. Our two female leads consistently call men out on their patronising misogynistic bullshit when and where they witness it, and don’t let anything be mansplained away or brushed under the rug. While I wouldn’t condone a lot of how our two main leads act, I absolutely adored the abrupt and brutal way in which they called out microaggressions and misogyny.

Overall: Every single time I review a mystery I complain about how hard it is to review a mystery, and this is E Lockhart, so you know that’s even more relevant here. Genuine Fraud was delightfully confusing, twisted, and obfuscatory, and constantly had me questioning what was real and what wasn’t. Jule is a wonderfully fucked up narrator who refuses to be silenced by men, and it made me SO HAPPY to see. This was a wild ride and I can’t wait to read more from E Lockhart!