A review by a_novel_ty
The Watcher by Jeanne C. Stein


The third book in the Anna Strong Vampire Series finds the main protagonist Anna, still adjusting to her life as a vampire, and embarking on new adventures.

OK...so i have to say I was a little disappointed with this one...not because it wasn't good but it just felt a bit...unfinished and under-developed.

The book starts off ...(semi-where-it-left-off) Anna is now working with her vampire Mentor, Police Chief Williams, in this supernatural secret society as a "Watcher" where she basically goes around killing rogue vampires....disregarding the fact that she doesn't even have a full grasp of what she is, or what she can do....

I felt the story was under-developed for the most part because nothing was explained. As the reader, you're kind of thrown into everything and expected to kind of know whats going on or spend the whole time guessing and making assumptions.

The book is called "Watcher" which makes you believe that the premise of the plot is going to be about her being a Watcher, and her duties to this secret supernatural society...but she only takes one "Watcher" job in the book and it's kind of pointless and unnecessary because it doesn't add to the story.

The book really focuses on Anna trying to figure out what happened to her friend and other mentor, Culebra after some powerful witch showed up at his place of 'business' and he disappears. She's also trying to figure out where her 'boyfriend' Max is, and why all of a sudden an FBI agent named Foley, who claims to be Max's friend is looking for him. She's also trying to figure out who is stalking her, and how to balance being a vampire and keeping her humanity.
It all turns into an elaborate but senseless situation in which she ends up waking up from a night of drinking with a man she doesn't know but she's agreed to help him save his daughter from her abusive husband -- the husband is killed by Anna's mystery stalker -- she ends up going back to Culebra's hideout to try and save him, to find her friend Daniel Frey -- they thwart the evil witches attempt to raise a vampire eating demon -- then Foley shows up and tells her he has Max and they fly to some remote place in Mexico where Max is being held by his former 'boss' a drug Lord named Martinez, who's family was killed, which he blames on Max....and a whole bunch of other sloppy crap happens, that now has me realizing how stupid and all over the place this book really was...

The book then ended very fast and curt...kind of like how you would end a term paper that you've been writing for a week and just want to be finished with....nothing was explained, and nothing really happened to be honest....it was kind of a waste of my time and a waste of paper...wow...this book sucked.

the plus side? Anna is a great character and i really like her. the writing is good and the pace of the book was decent, so i'll more likely than not, read the next book...hopefully this was a fluke and the next one will be better...